• Distributors only.

      Distributors can log in below to download their product leaflets.


You are most welcome, to contact us, for any information you need. 

Dear Colleague,

To honor us with your visit, ask how to 'log in' on our web site and how to get your own pass word, how to place your order, for product information or see how to reach us by phone, fax or e-mail, the following addresses and numbers are helpful:

Offices & Visiting address:

WillCo Wells B.V.
WG plein 287
1054SE  Amsterdam
The Netherlands.               

Our Office building

The Surgery Department Building of the former
Academical Medical Hospital "Wilhelmina Gasthuis"
Phone :        + 31 (0)20 685 0171
Cell (Will) :        + 31 (0) 6 55 345 248
Fax :        + 31 (0)20 685 0333
Toll Free :        888 8711 748   (USA & Canada, only)
E-mail info :        info@willcowells.com  
E-mail Will :        will@willcowells.com     
E-mail sales :        sales@willcowells.com
Web site :        www.willcowells.com
Web mail :        webmaster@willcowells.com
Invoices :        invoices@willcowells.com


Mail to:

WillCo Wells B.V., WG plein 287, 1054SE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
P.O. Box: Not applicable.

General information:

Our Bank :       ING Bank - Bijlmerplein 888, 1102MG, Amsterdam.
Bank account number :       660500876
IBAN number :       NL26 INGB 0660500876
BIC id number (Former SWIFT) :       INGBNL2A
VAT id code number :       NL80.73.88.105 B01
EORI number :       NL80.73.88.105     (For European Customs, only).                        
Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam :
DUNS number :       40-322-1133


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your WillCo Wells B.V. - Customer 'Service Team'.

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