Assembly Devices - for KIT's
Assembly Device
Assembly Devices we created, to be able to make your own dishes and use 'any type of a bottom'
for WillCo-dish®KIT - 'Do-It-Yourself' Glass Bottom Dishes.
This may be glass (and there are many different types), quartz (natural or synthetic) or a kind of plastic
or even foil, at your own choice.
Your WillCo Wells B.V. 'Customer Service-Team'
Units:1Bottom:N.a.Size mm:50 x 25 mm.Aperture:N.a.Vol / µL:N.a.Vents:N.a.More info
Units:1Bottom:N.a.Size mm:50 x 25 mm.Aperture:N.a.Vol / µL:N.a.Vents:N.a.More info
Units:1Bottom:N.a.Size mm:60 x 25 mm.Aperture:N.a.Vol / µL:N.a.Vents:N.a.STERILE R:5 Years.More info
Units:1Bottom:N.a.Size mm:60 x 25 mm.Aperture:N.a.Vol / µL:N.a.Vents:N.a.STERILE R:5 Years.More info